Susanne Doerner

StudyNZ Co-ordinator

Fee Breakdown

Please note that these fees are approximate. Contact StudyNZ or the school for exact fees depending on your choice of activities or subjects.

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4
School Fees $ NZD $ NZD $ NZD $ NZD
Homestay Fees $ NZD $ NZD $ NZD $ NZD
Extramural Fees $ NZD $ NZD $ NZD $ NZD
Study NZ Fees* $3,600.00 NZD

Our Fees include the consultation beforehand, school choice, assistance with all paperwork and visa application, preparation for time abroad. Pick up on arrival. Transfer to family or domestic flight depending on destination and support during entire stay in New Zealand for student and family. Airport drop off or check in support in Auckland for departure to home country depending on departure situation. We also offer orientation and farewell camps for our students on arrival and departure. Health Insurance is compulsory and can be taken out through StudyNZ with Unicare under our Master policy